In an earlier blog, we presented a LIMS implementation readiness blueprint, detailing key considerations and to-do items to help the process run smoothly. In this post we’ll take a deeper...

Choosing a LIMS is a complex process. It would be wonderful if it only demanded a simple inspection followed by an: “Oh, this one is sexy!” But it doesn’t work...

One of the biggest challenges you’re likely to face when selecting a new Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is the management and handling of your existing data. While this can...

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a global race to develop new testing methods capable of addressing the volumes and speeds necessary to tackle the disease’s progression. As a result, lab workflows...

One of the most important things we collectively need to harness and exploit in order to safely & effectively navigate through the pandemic is data. This is true of everyone...

By early May, the LIMS architect for an Ivy League health system’s biobank and his team of ten felt like they’d been hit by a train. COVID-19 research had accelerated...

Implementing system configuration and master data in a single LIMS instance can be quite challenging. The Good, the Bad, and the… LIMS systems with enterprise features typically include robust options....

Coronavirus has changed the nature of modern life – even if only temporarily. Simple tasks – from visiting a loved one to shopping for milk – have become complicated and […]
