How to Train LIMS Users During Social Distancing

LabVantage is no stranger to virtual LIMS training. We’ve expanded training options in light of COVID-19 travel & social distancing restrictions. Here are two methods of remote training which can help you get your ‘best-laid training plans’ back on track.Coronavirus has changed the nature of modern life – even if only temporarily. Simple tasks – from visiting a loved one to shopping for milk – have become complicated and anxiety-filled undertakings. All of us are doing our best to stay healthy and safe.

Despite the situation, we also know that certain work must continue. After all, samples don’t test themselves.

The Best Laid Plans…

Remember the phrase from the Robert Burns poem, “the best-laid schemes of mice and men”?

As we’ve all discovered, even the best prepared plans can go wrong. For many companies – and people – the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly shown us how that saying ends.

For LIMS administrators – many of whom had set in place strategically- and meticulously-planned upcoming LIMS User trainings – this has become the very definition of having plans ‘go awry!’

We can’t very well stuff 20 users into a small room, fly in a Trainer, and share communal lunches now, can we?

No. No we can’t. Absolutely not.

So what now?

COVID-19 is Highlighting the Importance of LIMS

In many labs around the world, sample testing & management is mission critical right now. New lab techs and staff not only need to get up to speed on the use of their LIMS, but they need to do it ASAP.

LabVantage Thank You

Distance Learning – No Longer Just a ‘Convenient Option.’

LabVantage is no stranger to virtual LIMS training. We’ve expanded training options in light of COVID-19 travel & social distancing restrictions. Here are two methods of remote training which can help you get your ‘best-laid training plans’ back on track.

  • Electronic Learning (eLearning)
    eLearning is sometimes referred to as computer-based training (CBT). LabVantage makes eLearning available directly within VantageCare, our customer service portal. Comprised of videos on many topics, eLearning is a very effective, self-service method of training users on basicLabVantage tasks.We recently updated our eLearning modules for LabVantage 8, so this training method delivers the most up-to-date information available.The best thing about LabVantage eLearning?LabVantage customers can access it free of charge via VantageCare!This is a great option for organizations which currently have employees confined to their homes due to the pandemic. What better way is there to sharpen up some LabVantage skills than putting your techs to work reviewing some of the new eLearning materials?
  • Virtual Training
    LabVantage Virtual training is offered for most of our classes (download an Adobe pdf of our full training course catalog here). Virtual training uses teleconferencing technologies and cloud-based LIMS training, so LabVantage trainers can cover the very same material that would have been covered in person or on-site.LabVantage Virtual training is offered for most of our classes. Virtual training uses teleconferencing technologies and cloud-based LIMS training, so LabVantage trainers can cover the very same material that would have been covered in person or on-site.While many organizations have recently adopted ‘virtual visits’ and remote meetings, LabVantage has been offering Virtual Training for many years. We are experts in both using remote learning technologies and understanding the texture of virtual attendance to make your classes a success.We use the same presentation materials, the same examples, and even the same cloud-based LabVantage servers to complete – yes, you guessed it – the exact same exercises we would if we were providing training at your site.Your students can even attend training from home. The only thing they need is a computer and an Internet connection.While the LabVantage trainer may use a video camera, it’s not required for students to receive a high-quality training.


Whether you choose virtual training or the eLearning D.I.Y. approach, we encourage you to make use of the LIMS education opportunities during this time for your team. Feel free to contact us if we can help in any way to ensure the smooth operation of your LabVantage LIMS.

And above all – stay safe and stay healthy.

Learn more about LabVantage Training >